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Our Products

TippyTalk is a two-way communication tool for nonverbal and speech-impaired users. On an iPad, TippyTalkers create a simple sentence by selecting illustrations. These become a written message read aloud OR …
TippyTalk - Rachel Williams, UK
The feeling is unreal. Amazing. I feel like my son is actually talking to me. Thank you. #blessed #autism
TippyTalk - Dustin Galdeano, USA
My son told me he loved me today thanks to this app. You can’t put a price on that.
TippyTalk - Stephanie Hankammer, USA
It’s great we started last night and my 5 yr old niece told her mom she was sad twice and prior to using it she had a tantrum and she was able to say she was sad to her mom. Then after an hour of playing online with the phone we asked her again how she felt then touched the happy icon.
Our Team of Experts

Kevin Custer
Founding Partner, Accessible-Tech
Rita Ferrandino
Founding Partner, Accessible-Tech
Rob Laffan
Founder & CEO, TippyTalkGet in touch
See how we can assist you with one or more of our extraordinary technologies.